
Global Impact

Meet the missionaries and explore the churches we partner with all over the world, where we’re proud of the work we can do through God.

Hope around the world

click the locations to learn more


Our Mission

Alaska Outreach exists to serve the pastor and congregation of New Life Christian Fellowship and the surrounding communities in teaching, sharing, and being “God’s Hands Extended."

Outreach in Action

The Alaska Outreach Mission program began to help construct the New Life Christian Fellowship church in 1999, when we built a 6,000-square-foot building in the middle of the Kenai Peninsula. Since then, we have baptized people, installed light fixtures, put up drywall, logged trees to clear the property, and added light poles in the parking lot, along with numerous other projects. Today, God is moving in this church.

Our Vision

Alaska Outreach uses construction to assist the local communities. We talk with local residents and help them wherever they need a hand. They can see how quickly construction takes place and that we are able and willing to help. We teach that Jesus is the same all around the world, from yesterday until today and forever, and that the mission field can be in your own backyard.

For more information, please call Mike Wilson at (310) 374-4673 ext. 128.


Our Mission

Hope for China was established to come alongside Chinese churches to disciple and train believers and to help build up God's Kingdom.

Outreach in Action

Hope for China began in November 2005, in a partnership with a local house church in Beijing. Over the years, we have had the privilege to work with many passionate believers who are committed to spreading the Gospel to their countrymen.

Our Vision

Hope for China focuses its efforts in line with the Great Commission. Our God has called us to make disciples of all. We look forward to continuing our work amongst the Chinese believers to further expand His Kingdom.


Our Mission

Hope for eSwatini exists to serve the orphans of this landlocked kingdom, where HIV/AIDS runs rampant. In eSwatini, the life expectancy is just 32 years and almost 50% of all deaths are from HIV/AIDS. The epidemic has left close to 200,000 orphans in its wake. The Hope for eSwatini Mission team aspires to bring hope to the children by encouraging gospel-centered lives that help build the Kingdom of God.

Outreach in Action

The Hope for eSwatini Mission is a short-term mission outreach that began in 2014. Through partnerships with a local church and the organization Beyond the Game, we provide help, support, and training in necessary areas. We also organize street evangelism and outreach to schools and orphanages in the rural areas of this vast and unique kingdom.

Our Vision

Hope For eSwatini aligns its mission with Jesus’ command, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” The spirit-enabled gifts and talents God has given members in our body allows them participate in outreach efforts and helps us reach our mission. Our hope is that by creating and building strong physical and spiritual foundations, we can offer hope to the children of eSwatini.

Frontier Ventures (USA)

Our Mission

The mission of the Global Prayer Digest (GPD) is to provide strategic prayer materials for specific, unreached people groups and missionaries working among them for diverse communities around the world.

Outreach in Action

Our team researches, writes, edits, and translates prayer materials on an ongoing basis to encourage missionaries living among unreached people groups worldwide.

Our Vision

Our vision is to have a disciple-making movement among each of the 6,687 unreached people groups.


Our Mission

El Refugio, The Refuge, is our base of operations for everything we do. It’s where we meet to worship God and to fellowship with one another, and where outreach teams come from afar to live while working in our community, as well as a hostel for travelers who want to get closer to God. It’s a home for people who are being discipled, a learning facility for young and old alike, and the home of our Dolphin Soccer Academy.

Outreach in Action

At El Refugio, we teach the fundamentals of Christianity. We emphasize the importance of reading and studying the Bible so that no one will deceive them. Obedience to the Word of God is our value we stress most. All are encouraged to participate and apply it in their lives on a daily basis. As they grow and enjoy getting close to God, they invite others to experience the same freedom.

Our Vision

Our vision is to be the doorway to the community of God. We use the most popular sport in the world, especially here in Mexico, to draw non-religious, Christ-needy youth to the feet of Jesus. Using soccer, we can start building the foundation of a God-centered life through Evangelism 101. Our soccer club is where discipleship starts. It is here where we begin to teach them the fundamentals of the Gospel. As they begin to believe the good news of Salvation, they start coming to our Bible Study, and from there we help them find a local church.

Vietnam / Cambodia

Our Mission

Founded over 25 years ago in response to a call to help displaced Amerasian children in war-torn Vietnam, the Hope for Vietnam ministry has since evolved into a Gospel-centered mission to bring material help and the good news to the elderly, handicapped, poor and disadvantaged individuals of this region.

Outreach in Action

Through regular scholarships and sponsorships, Hope for Vietnam has helped hundreds of children continue in school and stay out of child labor and sex trafficking. Through food distributions, care packages, micro-loans, water wells, and other community projects, Hope for Vietnam continues to help indigents, leprosy patients, and impoverished villagers strive for sustenance and financial independence. Sharing in Prayers and Gospel is infused in all of our ministry efforts. We also come alongside local pastors and churches to support Bible training and the development of new leaders.

Our Vision

Our most recent efforts are focused on homeless street children in Ho Chi Minh City and the undocumented or stateless Vietnamese children living in neighboring Cambodia in floating villages.


Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.

Matthew 28:18–20

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