21 Days of Devotion
Read Acts 9:1-42
In this passage we read about Paul’s conversion to Christianity. At the beginning we read that he was “still breathing threats of murder against the disciples of the Lord” but after his encounter with the risen Jesus he “proclaims Jesus in the synagogues saying ‘He is the Son of God’”. This is the beginning of one of the most significant periods of growth for the church. Paul will go on to faithfully proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout much of the known world. Paul’s life displays the power of Jesus to transform. This is what is so remarkable about God’s work, He magnifies His own name, brings glory to Himself by taking broken sinners, saving them, and changing them. May we always remember how good God has been to us.
“It is true that wicked men do many things contrary to God’s will; but so great is His wisdom and power, that all things which seem adverse to His purpose do still tend towards those just and good ends and issues which He Himself has foreknown.”
– Augustine
The City of God