
Women of Hope

We live our lives to honor God and to strive to be like His son Jesus.

The women of Hope Chapel are a family. We welcome women of all ages and spiritual maturity. We are committed to prayer, Biblical teaching, and discipleship, so that the Word of God is applied to every area of our lives - our homes, our workplaces and our community.

Gather, Grow & Go

We offer a variety of ways to “gather and grow," and because we believe in serving others, we provide opportunities to “go” and show the love of Christ. Below is a list of various channels to get plugged into the Women's Ministry at Hope.

Gather & Grow

Bible Studies​

Wednesday mornings and Thursday evenings.

For Women Only​

Hosted once a year consisting of a beautiful morning of worship, fellowship, and a speaker.

Morning of Prayer

A morning devoted to worship, prayer and praise. Hosted once a year.

Night of Prayer​

Once a month, with lights dimmed and candles glowing, a night of quiet, intimate prayer.

Gather & Go

Women's Walking Group

We walk, we talk!

Grow & Go

HELPS : Help, Encourage, Love, Pray, Serve

We have opportunities to help others: running errands, visiting shut-ins, praying, making meals, writing cards.

For more information regarding our current Bible studies and upcoming Women’s events, please check out our weekly church bulletin, email or call the church office at 310.374.4673 Tuesdays-Fridays, 9am-5pm.