

March 29th, 2019

21 Days of Devotion

Read Acts 5:12-42


As God’s Kingdom advances through the early church and as day by day more and more are being saved and added to the fellowship of believers, so too does the kingdom of darkness intensify its efforts to undermine and destroy the early church. Nevertheless, the work that Jesus began while on earth continues to expand in greater measure through the ministry of His Apostles. The kingdom of darkness is pushed back as people come to faith and as many are healed miraculously as a testimony to the Gospel, to God’s grace and power, and to His hand upon the Apostles and the church as a whole. We are reminded that the cross commenced an outward mission by which the sick are healed, the lost are found, and the condemned are saved. All of heaven and earth will be renewed because of the work that began on the cross but was advanced in the resurrection. This redemptive work was again advanced in the ascension, and will find its completion when Jesus returns for his bride and ushers in the New Creation.

“He has changed sunset into sunrise, and through the cross brought death to life; and having wrenched man from destruction, He has raised him to the skies, transplanting mortality into immortality, and translating earth to heaven.”
Clement of Alexandria
Exhortation to the Heathen 11

Visit someone who is sick and pray over them.